New GroupNews Pricing Plans: Clear and Simple

GroupNews Blog


Today we’re rolling out a new, simpler pricing structure for GroupNews. These updates are designed to be easier to understand and more affordable for your organization.

Previously, our pricing was, frankly, convoluted. It was based on blocks of users, and had no upper bounds. Not only was it difficult to understand, but it could get quite expensive for large organizations. We realized that that chunked linear pricing didn’t reflect how people actually use GroupNews, nor did it serve the needs of our customers.

So we swept all that aside. In its place are much more straightforward prices for each plan:


$5 per person, per month.

This is the plan for smaller groups of folks, and allows you to keep costs down as you grow. We’ve also removed restrictions on the number of channels you can create and enabled acknowledgements on posts. Simple, isn’t it?


$499 per month paid annually, or $549 month-to-month.

Say goodbye to per-person costs! Have up to 500 members in your Group for one flat rate price—that's as little as a buck a person per month. This is perfect for medium to larger organizations.


$799 per month paid annually, or $849 month-to-month.

Like Premium, also no per-person costs for up to 500 people. The Enterprise plan has everything the Premium plan has, with the additional of Single Sign-On (SSO) and Directory Sync capabilities, as well as priority support.

Those plans and their prices should cover most situations where organizations use GroupNews. Check out all the details on our pricing page.

Which plan is right for my organization?

From a cost perspective, if your GroupNews Group is fewer than 100 people, than the Lite plan is the most cost effective option for you. Once you get between 100 and 500 people in your Group, you’d be better served by a Premium plan (or Enterprise, if you require Single Sign-on and Directory Sync).

If your organization is larger than the 500 people the Premium and Enterprise plans cover, then we'd be happy to put together a custom quote for you. Just let us know.

Photo by Kenny Eliason on Unsplash. It’s not AI generated!